LogiPharma 2019: Your pit stop at eutecma!

The European Who’s Who of the Pharma Supply Chain business will be getting together at the LogiPharma from April 9 to 11, 2019 in Montreux, Switzerland with around 1,000 expert visitors. And eutecma will be there with our own stand for the first time. Our packaging experts Sven Rölle and Bruno Buracchio will be there to welcome you at Stand 69 for a pit stop.

Once there, visitors can discover how fast and simple our packaging solutions really are for all pharmaceutically-relevant product ranges: Ambient (+15 °C to +25 °C), Cool (+2 °C to +8 °C) and Frozen (<-20 °C).
And in order to make sure visitors can have a bit of fun, we have created a special Speed Challenge. The task: to see who’s fastest. Find out who can assemble our PROTECT- Euro Pallet Shipper with the corresponding ICECATCH® cool bricks in the least time.

But don’t worry, there’s no heavy lifting involved: the Speed-Challenge is done with 3-D miniature versions of our PROTECT boxes and ICECATCH®- cool bricks. And the fastest “assembler” wins 2 tickets to this year’s German Formula 1 Grand Prix!

And even if you don’t end up in the winner’s circle, you’ll have some fun and get a look at: our fast, safe, low-carbon, cost-optimized and GDP-certified packaging solutions for your valuable pharmaceuticals – be it to the desert, the Artic or through several different temperature zones. 


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