We’re donating for a rainy day
You might not have expected a cooling solutions specialist to be worried about rainy days, right? But with Christmas just around the corner we thought we’d put the old saying “save something for a rainy day” to a new use and donate 3000 Euro to charities that care for people in unexpected need.
It’s a Christmas present in honor of our loyal customers.
Our eutecma employees have selected seven charities, which will all be receiving a Christmas donation from us this December. And the range of charities is as colorful and varied as our eutecma family.
Homeless in Mannheim, selected by Silvia Kalmes:
Homeless people are not second-class citizens. When the temperatures drop in winter and the homeless have to deal with freezing temperatures, our donation helps those out on the streets.
SOS Children’s Village Pfalz, selected by Nicole Schäfer:
The SOS Children’s Village has been taking good care of children and young people in difficult life circumstances for over 60 years now. Our donation helps the dedicated employees help others.
Youth Farm Ludwigshafen/Pfingstweide, selected by Silke Ehlers:
The Youth Farm Pfingstweide is place for children and young people who live in local high-rise housing blocks to experience nature, take care of animals, do creative projects or just simply cook together or build a hut from scratch.
Pharmacists without Borders Deutschland e.V., selected by Bruno Buracchio:
Without the proper medication, sick people can quickly get caught in a downward health spiral or can even die. Pharmacists without Borders e.V. have made it their calling to help: Worldwide, transparently and efficiently. As a trained pharmacist, this kind of help is a matter of the heart to me.
Wormser Children’s Table, selected by Sven Rölle:
A warm lunch in a nice environment with friendly people is like a welcome oasis every day. The Wormser Children’s Table has been making that possible for kids in need since 2010. It is a place of social learning that I am happy to support.
Freezone Mannheim, selected by Markus Baumgärtner:
Teenagers and young adults often have a difficult time mastering life’s big and small challenges. Freezone Mannheim helps them weather these difficult phases in life. I think that is very important there are often difficult detours in life’s journey.
Tony Rinaudo – The Forest Maker, selected by Florian Zeilfelder:
Tony Rinaudo has developed Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (or FMNR), a low-cost land restoration technique that is linked to the regrowth of 200 million trees on degraded farmland in Niger alone. He was awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize in 2018. I want to support his work with our donation.