eutecma launches the first-ever reusable material cycle for cold chain packaging

Can you develop a 100% green, temperature-regulated packaging system? This is what our customers asked us back in 2019. Anyone familiar with eutecma will know that we are at our best when confronted by tricky problems such as this. We began by looking closely at the material. The result of the three-year evaluation and development process is, practically representatively, the 333-liter PROTECT cooling box, estimated to be reusable 15 times and thus able to save up to 1,000 kilograms of CO2.

How is that possible? The answer is simple, yet to a certain extent complex. By prolonging the life of the product is the simple answer. The more complex answer is the use of RFID technology and a system of refreshment centers. By means of artificial intelligence (AI) these ensure that the components of all PROTECT boxes and ICECATCH© cooling elements are overhauled and made ready for their next application. If a component can no longer be used, it is forwarded to an authorized recycling company. 

“retecma” is the name of the first-ever reusable material cycle for cold chain packaging. eutecma will be opening refreshment centers on different continents. Our explanatory film shows, in condensed form, how the “retecma loop” operates.

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