Modularity explained in simple terms: the PROTECT System Packaging from eutecma

Modularity – an abstract word. Yet the concept describes something very simple: Each module in a system matches all the other modules. So when a module is changed, the entire system doesn’t need to be redesigned. Instead, the system adapts itself accordingly – speedily and effortlessly.

The users of our PROTECT Packaging System – the only one of its kind on the market – get the benefit of these advantages every day. We invite all other users to view our latest video film “PROTECT System Packaging”. This video vividly demonstrates how eutecma’s modular packaging range works: Each packaging box is suitable for every temperature range and every payload between 4 and 1,588 liters.

Here are some examples: If the temperature corridor is changed from Cool (+2°C to +8°C) to Frozen (-15 °C to -25 °), then the only change is that the ICECATCH® Solid Insulated cooling elements are replaced by ICECATCH® Solid Frozen. If the payload is decreased from 480 to 160 liters, all you have to do is remove two stacking frames from the PROTECT Euro Pallet Shipper. Or take the other way around: If the payload is changed from 95 to 141 liters, a further stacking frame is simply added to the PROTECT Euro Pallet Shipper.

Therefore: In eutecma’s modular PROTECT System Packaging every cooling element fits into every box – and this applies to every temperature range. This not only tremendously facilitates your daily supply chain processes but also minimizes the CO2 footprint of your transported pharmaceutical products. That’s because with the modular PROTECT System no cooling box travels around the world only half-full. The modularity allows most efficient transportation of your payload at the destination temperature – no more and no less. With total precision. And a CO2 footprint that is optimized.

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