More room, more space, more ideas: We are growing!

In 2005, we – Florian Zeilfelder and Markus Baumgärtner – took a leap of faith and fulfilled our dream of founding our own company. We established ideapro gmbh and one year later took over the SCA Co-Packing GmbH location. Since then, our corporate home has been here in the Mannheim Harbor at Binnenhafen #7. And when we expanded in 2009, founding the eutecma gmbh as a specialist for passive cooling packaging, it dawned upon us: We are running out of space!

Both companies have grown tremendously over the years. In 2016 it finally became obvious: We need more space! Almost 2 million Euros and 15 months later, the day finally arrived. In October 2017, we moved into our expansion building: 3,300 square meters (35,520 sq. ft.) that are now home to our finished product warehouses, production areas and break rooms.

Now we have even more space for ideas, projects and new products!

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26. May 2022

eutecma launches the first-ever reusable material cycle for cold chain packaging

Can you develop a 100% green, temperature-regulated packaging system? This is what our customers asked us back in 2019. Anyone familiar with…
29. October 2021

Every kilogram, every liter of air freight space saved counts

In a recent interview with the German opinion-leading daily Süddeutsche Zeitung, Dorothea von Boxberg, Chief Executive Officer of Lufthansa Cargo, discussed the…
14. December 2021

Modularity explained in simple terms: the PROTECT System Packaging from eutecma

Modularity – an abstract word. Yet the concept describes something very simple: Each module in a system matches all the other modules.…